Shared Projects and Syncribox, a better way to Collaborate in the Workplace

With more and more people working from home, working in different time zones, and traveling to different offices or locations during the day it is crucial for employees to stay connected with their colleagues more than ever. Collaboration in the workplace is one of the most important aspects of optimizing workflow and for team work …

Fake Ransomware is NOT Fake News

You see this message pop-up on your computer screen: and realize your computer is under the attack of ransomware. All of your important files and documents become encrypted and they only way to access the decryption password is to pay the ransom fee before time runs out. Ransomware attacks have become growing trend ever since …

What is GDPR

In the age of the internet, privacy is a huge concern and when a data breach occurs personal information gets lost and even stolen. It's not always know where this information winds up, but it is almost always in the hands of someone with malicious intent. In 2017 we saw many data breaches, Equifax being …